Welcome to the Talent Development Program (TDP)

GolfWA are excited to announce the introduction of the new Talent Development program to accompany the new Golf WA High-Performance Pathway.
Key Information
- The TDP in 2022 is focused on the development of 13- to 17-year-old athletes eligible for Junior State Squads in 2023.
- The TDP will develop holistic athletes with a yearly periodised program to develop golf skills, strength and conditioning, recovery, nutrition, psychology, values, integrity and teamwork.
- Athletes who meet the selection criteria are encouraged to apply.
- In 2023, the TDP will add 1 additional tier to support more athletes state-wide.
TDP Content
- 2022 Pre and post TDP Strength & Conditioning athlete testing to measure growth / progression.
- 5 TDP sessions annually including golf, off course holistic skills and testing.
- Elite coaches providing sessions around key topics / areas.
Selection Criteria
- Must be 13 – 17 years old as of 1st May 2023 (To be available for Junior State Squad selection for 2023).
- Must have completed the TDP application form (below).
- Must show aspirations to develop their golfing capacity on and off the course including:
– Strength & Conditioning, Physio Screening, Mental approach to golf / mindset, Nutrition and Wellbeing. - Must continually demonstrate expected behaviours of integrity, commitment, and respect for golf and the community.
- 2021 Junior Stroke Averages and Golf Link Handicaps will be used to evaluate golfing ability.
Selection Process
- A TDP selection panel will select athletes based on the selection criteria and quality of the applications.
- There is no set number of athletes.
- The athletes will be notified of their selection by Friday 21st January 2022.
Selected Athletes
- The first TDP session commences on Friday 28th January at the State Netball Centre, 1pm – 4pm.
– Content includes Strength and Conditioning Screening, Values and Integrity Workshop and an overview of expectations as part of the program. - 5 x Further sessions coaching, and testing days will be organised over 2022 which then finishes with post-season Strength and Conditioning testing and reviews.
Closing date for applications is Monday 17th January, 5pm.
For questions or queries please contact
Marc Pike – Game Development and Performance Manager