Welcome to the Talent Development Program (TDP)

GolfWA are excited to announce the introduction of the new Talent Development program to accompany the new Golf WA High-Performance Pathway.

Key Information

  • The TDP in 2022 is focused on the development of 13- to 17-year-old athletes eligible for Junior State Squads in 2023.
  • The TDP will develop holistic athletes with a yearly periodised program to develop golf skills, strength and conditioning, recovery, nutrition, psychology, values, integrity and teamwork.
  • Athletes who meet the selection criteria are encouraged to apply.
  • In 2023, the TDP will add 1 additional tier to support more athletes state-wide.

TDP Content

  • 2022 Pre and post TDP Strength & Conditioning athlete testing to measure growth / progression.
  • 5 TDP sessions annually including golf, off course holistic skills and testing.
  • Elite coaches providing sessions around key topics / areas.

Selection Criteria

  1. Must be 13 – 17 years old as of 1st May 2023 (To be available for Junior State Squad selection for 2023).
  2. Must have completed the TDP application form (below).
  3. Must show aspirations to develop their golfing capacity on and off the course including:
    – Strength & Conditioning, Physio Screening, Mental approach to golf / mindset, Nutrition and Wellbeing.
  4. Must continually demonstrate expected behaviours of integrity, commitment, and respect for golf and the community.
  5. 2021 Junior Stroke Averages and Golf Link Handicaps will be used to evaluate golfing ability.

Selection Process

  • A TDP selection panel will select athletes based on the selection criteria and quality of the applications.
  • There is no set number of athletes.
  • The athletes will be notified of their selection by Friday 21st January 2022.

Selected Athletes

  • The first TDP session commences on Friday 28th January at the State Netball Centre, 1pm – 4pm.
      – Content includes Strength and Conditioning Screening, Values and Integrity Workshop and an overview of expectations as part of the program.
  • 5 x Further sessions coaching, and testing days will be organised over 2022 which then finishes with post-season Strength and Conditioning testing and reviews.

Closing date for applications is Monday 17th January, 5pm.

For questions or queries please contact

Marc Pike – Game Development and Performance Manager
