New junior development initiative set to tee off

29th Aug 2024

GolfWA Regional Development Hubs

GolfWA has announced a new series of training and development programs for young golfers across regional Western Australia.

Several Regional Junior Development Hubs have been established across the state to deliver testing and development programs focusing predominantly on short game.

In 2024, the programs will be streamlined into four sessions taking place between September and December. Each program will open and close with a skills testing session, with two skill development sessions in between. In 2025 and beyond, there will be 4-6 sessions spread throughout the year.

Thanks to funding through the DLGSC Regional Servicing Grants, the programs will be free for participants to enrol in.

Marc Pike, GolfWA’s Game Development Manager said: “Our goal is to create decentralised programs for junior talent development all over the state so that aspiring golfers in any regional areas have access to GolfWA pathways. The programs mirror what is being driven in our metro-based Talent Development Program.

“We are fortunate to have regional clubs, facilities and passionate PGA coaches that are committed to growing participation statewide. We want to support their capacity to retain and nurture this talent, as well as working with Regional Academies of Sport to offer young golfers high-performance environments on their doorstep.”

Criteria for Participation

1. Must be 12-21 years old
– Exemptions may apply for under 12s at the discretion of GolfWA / PGA pros
– Contact if under 12 and meet all other criteria

2. Must have either:
i. A Golf Australia Handicap and be a member of a golf club
ii. Be invited to attend by a PGA Coach to

3. Registration online is essential
– Dates and times of sessions are provided in each Regional Hub registration portal. Click the relevant links below for full details.

Register today

Further programs will be announced in Dunsborough/Busselton, Peel and Margaret River/Augusta imminently. These will be posted here when open for registration.


The new hubs will give young, regional golfers the chance to maximise their potential