Covid Restrictions as of 23/12

23rd Dec 2021

As you may be aware a positive Covid19 case has been identified in Perth today and as a result, restrictions come into place, from 6:00 p.m tonight, Thursday, December 23.  These restrictions will be in place until 6 am Tuesday, 28 December 2021.  The link below explains those restrictions:-

From a golf club perspective, masks must be worn indoors except when eating and drinking. Whilst is not stated, it may also be wise for masks to be worn in any outdoor dining areas over this period.

Given that the positive case visited many sites throughout Perth prior to being found positive, it is recommended that your members be advised of the various exposure sites, which can also be found through the above link.


In addition to the above, yesterday the Premier announced that Western Australia workers who come under an existing vaccine mandate will now be required to have a third dose within one month of eligibility.

Further information can be found in the following link:-

Not great news at this time of year however, we hope everyone has a Merry and Very Safe Christmas and New Year.